Ambtart 2023 ~ 2024

- November 21 2023

Op 21 november was het eindelijk zover, AmbtArt werd feestelijk geopend. Ik stond al met smart te trappelen op 2 november om alle mooie kunstwerken van de collega’s te zien. Ook was ik uiteraard zeer benieuwd hoe mijn werk erbij zou hangen. Maar storm Ciarán had zin een bezoekje Amsterdam. Dus werd het een paar weekjes uitgesteld.

En wat een mooi werk was het allemaal. En het hing er prachtig bij. Dat hadden Susanne Schilling, Rozanne van Vliet en Michael Elbers heel goed geregeld! Het was heel jammer dat Susanne er niet bij was, ze werd door iedereen enorm gemist.

De opening begon met een mooie speech van Rozanne en Rijk van Ark. Met wat lekkere versnaperingen, een glaasje bubbel in de handen en gezellige muziek van DJ Alex konden we al het mooie werk gaan bezichtigen.

Aan elke muur, elke hoek, elk gaatje en elk pilaartje was gevuld met prachtig werk. Van schilderwerk, fotografie, borduurwerk, houtwerk, keramiek, tot aan dessins op badjassen en latex outfits. Elk kunstwerk was bijzonder en had een eigen verhaal.


Downtown Dress Up

- November 01 2018
My jewellery on display at Downtown Dress up. Buy all your holiday gifts at

Downtown Dress up

Kleine Houtstraat 60, 2011 DP Haarlem


Photo’s made by Daniela Larue (Left) & Me (right).


- May 21 2017

Lieve Allemaal,
Jullie zijn van harte uitnodiging voor de expo ARTZaanstad.
Meer dan 150 kunstenaars zullen er werk tentoonstellen en verkopen.
Ik zal daar o.a. drie nieuwe sieradencollecties presenteren (en verkopen :)).

Expo ARTZaanstad May 21 2017
Info over de Expo:
>>> 16 juni Feestelijke Opening 18.00 <<<
Vrijdag 16 juni 2017 van 12.00 - 21.00
Zaterdag 17 juni 12.00 - 19.00
Zondag 18 juni 12.00 - 19.00
Monumentale Hembrugterrein
(gebouw nr. 72/436, 308 en 342)
Hemkade 18
1506 PR Zaandam
Voor meer info:

Bestel je kaarten met korting in de online verkoop voor € 7,50
(Verkoop aan de deur € 10,-)

Dear All,
At the ARTZaanstad I will showcase my Jewellery including three! new collections:
A new set Brilliant Facets Necklaces and a whole collection of Brilliant Facets Rings and a whole new collection: Amsterdarlings. The expo will exhibit more than 150 wonderful artists (painters, sculptors, jewellers, bagmakers and more).
Expo will be :
Friday 16 June 2017 van 12.00 - 21.00 >>> Festive opening at 18.00
Saturday 17 June 12.00 - 19.00
Sunday 18 June 12.00 - 19.00
Monumentale Hembrugterrein
Projectielgebouw (gebouw nr. 72/436, 308 en 342)
Hemkade 18
1506 PR Zaandam
Tickets online € 7,50
(At the door € 10,-)

More info here:

See below a slideshow of the event:


Downtown Dress up >> Verkoopweekend

- November 03 2013

Hi Everyone,
There is another great verkoopweekend at the wonderful boutique atelier Downtown dress up.
With fresh designs and spanking new designers and fabulous fashion.
I will have my jewellery series Brilliant Facets for sale and with something exciting new. A handmade birthday calendar with 12 artwork pieces inspired by the Brilliant Facets series.

Downtown dress up
St.Annenstraat 18a, Amsterdam

Opening vrijdag 22 November * 17:30 - 20:00
zaterdag 23 November * 11:00 - 18:00
zondag 24 November * 11:00 - 18:00

Check out their website:
I hope you all can come :}.

See below a slideshow of the event:


All new Downtown Dress up >> Verkoopweekend

- May 31 2013

Hi Everyone,
There is another great verkoopweekend at the wonderful boutique atelier Downtown dress up.
With fresh designs and spanking new designers and fabulous fashion.
St.Annenstraat 18a, Amsterdam

Opening vrijdag 7 juni * 17:30 - 20:00
zaterdag 8 juni * 11:00 - 18:00
zondag 9 juni * 11:00 - 18:00

Check out their website:
I hope you all can come :}.
Here are some of my new pieces I will sell at the verkoopweekend:

See below a slideshow of the event:


Jewellery on display at Downtown dress up

- January 05 2013
Mijn sieraadjes staan ten toon gesteld in de fashionshop Downtown Dress up!
St Annenstraat 18a
woensdag t/m zondag
My jewellery on display at atelier boutique Downtown Dress up!
St Annenstraat 18a
wednesday t/m sunday


Downtown dress up >> Design weekend ~ Christmas edition

- November 29 2012

The very fashionable Downtown Dress up Weekend shop is upon us again and timed especially for all your Christmas-shopping :}.

I welcome you all to see my new jewellery collection Brilliant Facets. This new collection is made from computer designed 3d printed fine silver & embroideries.
Other great designers will be there as well to complete your Christmas shopping list!

Downtown dress up ~ Design weekend ~ Kersteditie
St.Annenstraat 18a, Amsterdam
Opening >>> Friday 7 dec * 16:00 - 19:00
Saturday 8 dec * 11:00 - 18:00
Sunday 9 dec * 11:00 - 18:00


The House of Rising

- July 06 2012

‘Artists bounded by Fashion’
Along with the Downtown fashion week The House of Rising has a special expo {opening tonight} where an eclectic collection of artist showcase there 2D/3D fashion adjacent works.
To make it more special there will be a sticker sale where every artist will sell one piece for €100,- or less

I will be selling pieces of my three newest collections:
De boswandeling

See you there

See below a slideshow of the event:


Klein Haarlem >> Fashion Market #2

- November 16 2011
Hello All,

Don't worry about your Sinterklaas prezzies you can buy them all at the Klein Haarlem Fashion Market. The first fashion market was a great succes, so don't miss the good music, the great shopping and njummie foods.
I will be showing and selling Viering & Jubil.

See you there!
19 November
13:00 - 19:00
Klein Haarlem

De Storing
Houtplein 12
2012 DG Haarlem


Ontwerp op de Weg >> Haarlem

- November 02 2011
Hi Everyone,
A new expo in creatively roaring Haarlem! The expo, with various great designers, will be in several window displays in Haarlem. From 5 till 13 November.
I will show the collection Viering 2 and Viering 3. As well as a very shiny new limited edition necklace collection Jubil.
My jewellery will be shown in Verrassing's window display and the pop up store inside the shopWeidesign & more.
Verrassing >> Jacobijnestraat 6 (click here for google maps)
Weidesign & more >> Koningstraat 27 (click here for google maps)
For more information:
There will be a wonderful design fest on opening night on 4 November 22 o'clock in the Toneelschuur.

See you all there!


HKU Designshop >> Eindexamen Expo

- Juni 30 2011
Hi All,
Because of great success the HKU Designshop will be again this year during the HKU Exam Expo.
You can shop various great products from HKU artists.
The expo and the shop will be this weekend and I will show new Viering jewellery.

Thursday 30 juni, opening, 18.00 - 21.00 uur
Friday 1 juli, 10.00 - 21.00 uur
Saturday 2 juli, 11.00 - 17.00 uur
Sunday 3 juli, 11.00 - 17.00 uur

Location: HKU | Faculty BKV
Ina Boudier-Bakkerlaan 50


Klein Haarlem Fashion Market

- Juni 16 2011
Hi everyone,
Upcoming Saturday there will be a fabulous new Fashion Market organized by Klein Haarlem.
There will be food, fashion, art & music!
I will show my new collection Viering.

Hope to see you there:
18 juni
16:00 - 21:00
Klein Haarlem
Gedempte Oude Gracht 3
2011 GK Haarlem


Weekend Winkel 10 - 12 June

- Juni 05 2011
Weekend Winkel is here again.
Come all to see and buy beautiful products by great artists and designers.
I will show my new collection Viering.
Weekend Winkel
Huis aan de Werf
Boorstraat 107
3513 SE Utrecht
See you all coming weekend!


Photo collection of Hoog Expo

- April 24 2011

The lovely Hoog expo in Haarlem.
Beautiful armoire made by Lianne Kuijpers & David van der Veldt.
Photo's made by David van der Veldt


Swah expo & New collection

- April 13 2011

Opening expositieStore Without a Home presenteert een nieuwe expositie met tekeningen van Manja van der Storm en Marloes Toonen.
Je bent van harte welkom op de opening zondag 17 april a.s. van 14 tot 18 uur!
De expositie loopt van 16 april 2011 tot en met 27 mei 2011 en is te zien beneden in de galerie van Store Without a Home.
Tevens: nieuwe sieraden van Rivka Dieho, nieuwe collectie tassen van Monique Brockhus en Laden en Lossen + woonaccessoires en tassen van Marimekko!
Dinsdag t/m zaterdag: 12-18 uur
+iedere laatste zondag van de maand: 12-18 uur
(behalve 24 april)

Hopelijk tot ziens!
(text Janwillem Sanderse)


Expo in Zutphen & New collection

- January 14 2011

Hello everyone,
I have just finished the first rings for the collection Viering, please take a look. But even more exciting: they will be part of a new expo in Zutphen in gallery De andere Kant.

Galerie "De andere Kant" | Marspoortstraat 16 | 7201 JC Zutphen

You can see the projects Viering and De Boswandeling from the 15th of January till the 19th of February.


Shopping for Christmas presents: 

- December 03 2010

For some great Christmas shopping go to Utrecht. Many wonderful designers will give you loads of inspiration for some lovely gifts.

Weekend Winkel
Huis aan de Werf
Boorstraat 107
3513 SE Utrecht


Gallery  >> Ans Art  

- November 12 2010

There is a new gallery where my jewellery will be shown and sold:
Ans Art, a great art gallery in Arnhem.

Please take a look:
Ans Art
Jansbinnensingel 18
6811 AK Arnhem


Expo in Amsterdam >> Kulter gallery

- November 11 2010

The Jewellery expo in the gallery Kulter in Amsterdam will continue for a little while longer till the 5th of December. Here I will show my project Fluff Hanging By a Thread. So for all your Saint Nicolas shopping come to:
Sanderijnstraat 21, Amsterdam


Expo in Haarlem

- November 10 2010

Young artist and designers are showing their projects in several shop-windows
in Haarlem from the 5th to 14th of november.
Ontwerp op de weg  
My project (Fluff Hanging By a Thread) work can be seen in the Zijlstraat 51, Haarlem



No Market >> Utrecht

- October 30 2010

Photos made by Tim van Veen & Me:


Expo in Nijmegen >> Mode & Designbeurs (fashion & Design fair)

- October 02 2010
(Apologies for some unsharp images)


Expo in Maastricht >> Fashion Clash

- June 04 2010

Expo made by Renske Versluijs & Jorgen Smit. I Object ~ Clothing Display made by Renske Versluijs & me.

Photos made by Renske Versluijs:


Meesterlijk Expo >> Eindhoven ~ Exit HKU

- October 22 2009

An exhibition by the HKU gradtuation group of 2008


Boekenbal (Bookball) 2009 ~ Tjilp Tjilp

- March 10 2009

A yearly event in the Stadschouwburg to honour a new literary year. This year was a fauna theme title ‘Tjilp Tjilp’. See here an album of various things I created for the event: Boekenbal.
And below I gathered a photoalbum of the event. Photo’s made by various people and me:

Every artist was apointed a location to display their project. Annemoon van Steen, Anna Skubisz and I created a Cabinet of Curiosities with our creations.


Expo in Utrecht > Academy Gallery

- June 01 2007

An exhibition/weekendshop of the 3D Design 3rd year class of 2007.
Academy Gallery
Minrebroederstraat 16, 3512 GR Utrecht

All content of this site: Copyright Rivka Dieho 2024